Sunday, March 7, 2010

Four Key Points of the Current Health Care Legislation

Four key parts of the legislation that:-
1.Prohibit insurance companies from denying people coverage or charging them more if they have a pre-existing condition or are women; limits higher cost on the basis of age; and eliminates annual and lifetime cap oncoverage.-
2. Create insurance exchanges that allows individuals and small businessesto come together to purchase insurance with the same rates and benefits thatbig businesses and Members of Congress have.-
3.Subsidize insurance for working people and the middle class. Familiesof 3 with an income of $27,000 a year will pay about $90 a month for good,comprehensive health insurance. That is a subsidy of over $1000 a month. The subsidies help the middle class as well, providing benefits for families of 4 with incomes up to $88,000 a year.-
4. Has half a dozen provisions that will increase the supply of primarycare doctors; encourage more research on best medical practices; andcarefully change payment and delivery systems so that health care costs, andthus insurance, increase more slowly.

The legislation is not perfect. But it will save tens of thousands of livesa year; keep hundreds of thousands out of bankruptcy; reduce fear and uncertainty for tens of millions, and save all of us a great deal of moneyon insurance premiums. And it sets the stage for further reforms both at thefederal level and here in Pennsylvania.

Marc Stier
PA State DirectorHealth Care For America Now>.org <>
(215) 880-6142

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